What Can Aloe Vera Do for Your Skin?

Jun 02 , 2020

The Gentsscape Team

What Can Aloe Vera Do for Your Skin?

Guys, most of us have heard of aloe vera and know it's a popular additive to women's skin and hair products. You may even keep some on hand to deal with sunburns, but does it have any attributes that are particularly good for male skin? It turns out this amazing little plant has some serious health benefits that can benefit a man's skin in particular.

What's Aloe Vera All About?

Otherwise known as the liliaceae plant, this light green shrub has long leaves with serrated edges; but it's the inside of those leaves that has the magic. The viscous, sticky gel found inside these leaves is packed with nutrients and skin-healing substances. Within this gel, you'll find:

  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin E
  • Magnesium
  • Folic Acid

Add to this the fact that aloe vera is also very hydrating and you have an all-natural way to improve your skin.

What Can It Do for a Man's Skin?


The first way aloe helps a man's skin is with its phytosterol content. Phytosterol is basically a plant's version of cholesterol. Your doctor may be encouraging you to lower your internal cholesterol levels, but as we age, most of us are producing less cholesterol for our skin. As our skin gets less of this essential element, the membranes of the cells suffer, causing our skin to become more photosensitive and easily damaged.

The phytosterol in aloe can replace that cholesterol, not only helping to protect your skin from the sun but also slowing down aging signs by stopping the breakdown of collagen. And since phytosterols also keep immune cells in good shape, they are anti-inflammatory, too. The best news is that you don't need a whole lot to get this effect.


Rough skin is a mark of manliness...if you're a background extra in 1950s cowboy flick. In reality, there's no reason a man's face should be rough and flaky, and that special woman in your life may not be able to stop touching your skin once you get it smooth and supple. Aloe can help you get there.

Because aloe contains both water and some nutrients your skin is crying out for, it's very effective at softening the skin without making it greasy. It also won't clog your pores, so if you have oily skin, you won't have to worry about breakouts. Aloe delivers supple, hydrated skin without a lot of muss, fuss, or smelly lotions.


We'd like to think that acne is a problem we outgrow in our teens, but the reality is that many adults struggle with it well into their 20s, and it's not unusual for people in their 30s, 40s, and even beyond to have outbreaks at times of stress. The good news is that aloe can help here, too. It does so by attacking the problem in three different ways.

Anti-Microbial Properties

Aloe can help with acne first because it's anti-microbial. That simply means it has a tendency to kill bacteria. Bacteria isn't the only thing that causes acne, of course, but it's a big part of the problem.


Glycoproteins are a kind of carbohydrate, and they reduce redness and calm down irritated skin. In essence, these are anti-inflammatories, and whenever you have pimples, you have at least some mild inflammation. This is more of an issue for men than for women, too, since men tend to have naturally oilier skin.


Polysaccharides are amazing little molecules that preserve T-cell immunity in the skin and prevent the damage that comes when those immune cells are malfunctioning. Whatever is damaging skin cells--whether it's UV rays from the sun or bacteria in an acne breakout--the natural polysaccharides in aloe are there to back up your skin and help it heal.


Shaving is hard on the skin, and while men's skin tends to be a bit thicker and better able to take regular shaving than a woman's, that doesn't mean we don't need some TLC too. Nicks and cuts, not to mention chronic razor burn, can even lead to scarring if you're not careful. Aloe can help here, too.

Because aloe gives skin the nutrients it needs to build itself and then floods it with anti-inflammatories that strengthen the cell membranes, it allows your skin to heal faster and with much less likelihood of scarring.